MB City Council Candidate Forum Info
Hi everyone! We apologize about the conflicts for tonight's Candidate Forum. We will be moving forward with the event, but in case you can not make it, please see some important answers from our candidates:
What do you see as the biggest current challenge, and potential solution for downtown businesses?
Mark Burton:
Downtown Manhattan Beach is the "gem" of our community. It is vitally important that the next Council does anything, and everything, to assure it's vitality.
The biggest challenge to our Downtown businesses is the Covid 19 pandemic and the resulting health orders from the California Governor and LA County Health Officer. Also, making your customers feel safe when visiting, shopping or dining Downtown.
There are several solutions to the challenges our Downtown businesses face. Here are some:
1. Rather than our city having LA County be our health officer, we should explore the Beach Cities Health District being designated as the health officer for the three beach cities. Long Beach is in LA County and they have their own health officer, independent of LA County. With Beach Cities Health District acting as our health officer, we would not be subject to onerous shut down orders that are unfairly applied to our City.
2. The City should work with the South Bay Cities Council of Government and other local cities to petition for relief from both the Governor's and the LA County's health orders.
3. The City needs to work with the business community to develop an grants assistance program for small businesses, the mom and pop shops that add the charm to Downtown, to act as a bridge to the time of full recovery.
4. In order to make our residents and visitors feel safe Downtown, we need a footbeat patrol and ALPR Security Cameras around the perimter of Downtown, at points of ingress and egress to Downtown. Such a program will assure the safety and security of our Downtown businesses.
Chaz Fleming:
No response received.
Grettel Fournell:
The biggest current challenge to our downtown businesses is this pandemic/crisis we are all living and dealing with. Business as usual drastically changed overnight and I believe the effects and aftermath of COVID-19 will continue into 2021.
We have all seen how this has affected many of our local downtown businesses and how many of them are struggling to stay alive.
There was no precedent for how to operate in these extraordinary times with daily, sometimes conflicting, information, mandates, and protocols.
We must consider creative as well as temporary solutions during this crisis. All ideas should be welcomed and collaboration will be absolutely necessary.
I will start by proactively reaching out to our businesses to understand what works for them and ensure that we do not make it hard to do business here. I will seek their input, streamline processes and enforcement. Possibly waive or defer fees during this pandemic. Ask what’s working in other cities for their charming downtowns with unique businesses?
I have always believed that local government is at its best when residents/businesses/partners alike have this input, are heard and acknowledged, and work together for the well-being of their community, and in this case our downtown business area.
To continue this engagement, I will propose that city council form a working committee together with business owners to explore/promote/implement approaches/ideas to help our businesses now and into the future. Perhaps take into consideration solutions that would not have been considered in the past; for example outside dining for our restaurants. This has been a great solution, the residents love it and while it is temporary to help our restaurants, it may be considered permanent (with modifications).
Joe Franklin:
No response received.
Pheobe Lyons:
The biggest current challenge for the businesses of Manhattan Beach is the restrictions and economic impact of COVID-19. Thus far, the City Council has worked quickly to help restaurants serve outside and facilitate curbside shopping for retail businesses, which has been overall a success. However, this situation is dynamic and is still developing. We get new information and guidelines from the County and State all the time and the Council must be poised to act based on the information that is coming in from those entities as well as the feedback it gets from our businesses.
Keeping channels of communication open and clear, being proactive and flexible, and staying up-to-date with the status of re-opening guidelines are imperative. We need to promote our local businesses and remind residents that many items can be purchased in-store or with curbside pickup at our Manhattan Beach businesses. Let’s support our businesses, shop MB, and maintain the character of our business community.
Richard Montgomery:
As a 32-year resident, with 25 years of community service and 12 years in elected office, i want to continue to serve the City we care so deeply about.
As difficult as it has been to have led through the pandemic as Mayor, I want to continue to lead us through the remaining hardships and the economic downturn we are certain to experience. Public safety is our number one duty and as a former reserve police officer i will continue to maintain the high level of service from our MBFD and MBPD as we have become accustomed to and expect. Our pension obligations also continue to be a priority for our City.
But my top priority for 2021 will be to continue to guide the City through the pandemic and ensuing recession. This requires leadership and experience, which I gained as Mayor during the 2008 recession.
I will continue to support our businesses by providing a 'helping hand up" to our businesses (including relaxed business license due dates, waiving of meter fees and ever expanding outdoor dining decks) so that they all can survive the difficult times ahead.
Steve Napolitano:
Biggest current challenge--Impacts of COVID-19! The potential solution is for the City to maintain its flexibility and continue listening and working in collaboration with our businesses, both restaurants and retail to do all we can to keep folks in business and help them recover. I've been at the forefront of that--calling for business reopenings, giving our small retailers the same opportunities as our big retailers, rapid response outside dining, changes to our parking hours and adding foot patrols for downtown so folks can feel safe. I've always been willing and able to work to make our downtown the best that it can be and that's what I'll continue to do.