The Downtown Manhattan Beach Business + Professional Association is dedicated to serving the needs of our 250 retailers, restaurants + locally owned businesses. Our goal is to see all of our local businesses succeed, and to bring more people into our wonderful community of Downtown Manhattan Beach.
We all know that Google is king, and is it important to do all we can to increase our search rankings. One simple way to do that is by having high quality links back to your website. We have linked back to each and every one of your local businesses from our website, and would appreciate you sharing the love and linking back to on your website! We don't need to be a big part of your website, a simple link in a blog post, or article, or even in your footer would be excellent. Thank you!
We reserve the right to edit images and content to best represent your business and Downtown Manhattan Beach Business + Professional Association. For image submission requirements please visit Business Information Form.
In order to be a part of the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business + Professional Association, including but not limited to being a part of our website, promotional materials and publications, you must have a valid Downtown Business License within the City of Manhattan Beach.
For more information on business licenses, visit